My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

don't talk to me..

don't talk to me if ALL that matters to you is PR (public relation). If you wanna use me to get there..or make fun of me to make you look good...go to hell...seriously screw off...seriously..can't think of any other way to put it...I'm not gonna swear


Friday, April 28, 2006

Living in a man's world...

Now that summer is here..ya realize a few things which hit you in the face more than usual...

Complaints of a woman (in general)...

I wish...

I didn't have to shave my legs

I didn't have to wear makeup

I didn't have to hightlight my hair

I didn't have to worry about what I'd wear today or tomorrow

I didn't have to worry about looking my best

I didn't have to get my eyebrows done

I didn't have to worry about having the perfect sandals to match that perfect outfit

I could burp and fart out loud

I didn't do anything to my hair and could just walk outside

I didn't have to grow out my hair

I didn't have to have browny looking skin for the summer so I don't look like a ghost

I didn't have to paint my toenails..or my finger nails

I didnt have to shave my armpits

I didn't have to wear more than 1 under garment

AND I'm sure there's a ton more...girls add on :D

now now...I understand we all can get by w/o doing these..and in general NOT every girl follows them. My point is that if ya sit there and think, all these are constraints put on girls..or constraints us girls have adopted as things we should do...whether it's learned or something we've's something one girl might see as a prison, while another sees as "joy"..depending on whether you do it for yourself or for another. My long as it's for YOU..yah YOUUUUU then it's all good :D

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I ONLY have two arms :(

Monday, April 24, 2006

Give it up yo..

Seriously do not get some of my (girl) friends and How LOW will they Go!!!....for boys..

Yah so if a dude ditches you once, get the hint..dont' give him another chance..realize that if a guy really really REALLY cared about you..he'd make time for you. Even if it meant 5 minutes a day!!!!

If a dude tells you he's leaving someone else for you...get the hint, he'll leave you too for another girl..

If a dude txt you to say "you mean the world to me"...realize it's easier to type words than to say it to YOUR face!

If a dude has excuses for everything...don't believe them..realize they are liars..again forget about giving them a second chance..

How a few of my girlfriends think they will move on..but the boy should never ever forget them..Hmm...really? Why not look within and make yourself better for the next runner up? Rather than thinking you are the goddess of the universe roaming a world of idiots..

If a dude says you're beautiful...mmmm..unless he knows you then it's diff..otherwise I'd take the comment with a grain of salt..seriously I mean ONLY believe it 10% of the time :D (now if he sends that via txt msg and he doesn't know you well = bullshit)

Men aren't the only ones thinking with something else...yes YOU girls do it too!!!!

If a guy calls you drunk confessing his love to you...Uhh need I say more!!!!

Realize that giving up your good friend for a man isn't worth it. Only a good guy will encourage you to chill with your friends..and ONLY a bad one will force you to get rid of the relationship. Friends will always be there for you...your lil "lover" will come and GOO..yes GO!!!!!

And yes Final thoughts as Jerry Springer would say on his show: Realize that it's never the end of the world when that dude walks away...realize you're worth a LOT! Again look back at yourself...maybe you can be better next time. Dont' succumb to your weaknesses. Don't keep yearning for something which was lost. As they say there's plenty of fish out in the sea ;)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Serious I'm so sick of people who are OLD enough to raise kids but aren't old enough to fend for themselves!!!!!!!! It's NOT like life is EASY, and it's not that you can LIVE OFF of a PERSON!!! Learn that ONLY HARD WORK and HARD frikkin EARNED money YOUUUUUUU made should mean a ton to you. And YOU should use that MONEY to get your OWN shiT!!!!!!!!!! Don't be USING other peoples' SHIT or SHIT people give you!! That's frikkin disgusting!!!!!

I like to be INDEPENDENT! If you ever ask me about shit I OWN...yah ALL of it is MINE!!!! From my hard earned blood sweat and tears!!!! It was never easy waking up at 6 a.m. to go teach a class for two frikkin summers when all I wanted to do was sleep!!!!! it sucked big time back then..but YOU know what!!!! IT WAS WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! I...YES I....MEEEEE DID IT!!! SO PROUD OF MYSELF..

ok I'm done..

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Why can a man fart and burp outloud and it's okay or not so wrong? But when a woman does it, it's not "proper"...why? We've got the SAME least for those functions :D

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Seriously don't read..there isn't anything important here :D

Just felt like writing on my bloggie. Found out that life is too short. Well I always knew...realized it more now. Was talking to a friend of mine. We hadn't kept in touch since last year. I knew his mother was sick. Found out that she died December 15th :( I hope she's in a better place.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

High-School Drop-out

yah something which was unheard of to me even when I was in high school back in my hometown. The ONLY time I ever heard of such a thing was when I was about 15-16 years old, and two guys I remember in my class Luke and James both dropped out. That was it. The rest of us graduated.

So..I'm watching Oprah today. And she talks about the states in the nation with the best graduation rate..with my hometown state having the hightest rate in the nation of 84%. And what's one state in the nation with a not so good rate that she brought up..yep Indiana. She sent one of her correspondents to Shelbyville a city here close to Indianapolis. Interesting how they are interviewing kids from the high schools as to why people drop out..and the kids say "well you can always get a factory job". Shocks me when I grew up, I don't ever remember anyone talking about factory jobs....

Makes me wonder if I came from a town which didn't have low income families..maybe I was naive...or maybe my homestate just has a higher standard of education...

I think it's completely unfair that some kids are not getting the same education as their classmates from another city in the same frikkin state!!!! :( (prime example Oprah brought up was btwn two schools close to inner city school, and another one close by)..

Monday, April 10, 2006


Don't get it, and it got me wondering. So...if a roommate is a messyass person and leaves the place lookin like shit..but yet when someone unexpectedly stops by for a few mins and the place not only looks "conceiled clean" but smells "clean" makes you wonder.

Yah it makes me wonder..makes me wonder if this is how a person I live with is like. Then does this person also live their life like this? Does this mean that the person may show shit to look good but is cruddy like shit on the inside...and is good with hiding it?

Messyasses speak up! Fix my thoughts...cause who knows I'm probably a bit biased :-/ (yah if you can't tell...I'm pretty anal about being clean....)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I walk the slow path...

I guess I never understood and probably never will..but I hate people who rush in life. I don't get where they are trying to go. I mean eventually all of us will attain our goals, but does rushing and not enjoying the experience make it a heck of a lot more fun??

I never understand people who walk swiftly when they walk...even if they are just OUT on a WALK...with no time restraints nada. I'd rather walk slowly and smell the fresh air, and enjoy the beauty around me.

I never understand people who can't stand and talk for a few mins because they've got this or that to do. This or that will get done, it will get done later..but why must you lose yourself for something.

If you're granted one I believe...I'd rather savor each moment and live it to the fullest. I'm not gonna race and forget the beauty of it all...odds are that if I do that..I'll look back only to regret the things I've missed..

Monday, April 03, 2006

For the Gazillionth TIME

Live YOUR LIFE yo. Seriously live it to the fullest. If you care shits about impression, then don't talk to me. As long as you are HAPPY with what you do, don't let anything I mean ANYTHING hold you back. If it's impression and what people will think...gimme a break.

Unless you're from one of those religions which believes in's a diff case for you. But if you're like the other 50-60% of the world..then I suggest ENJOYING each day as if there's nooooo tomorrow. Spend your money like it's your last day on and do shit cuz you don't know what tomorrow may bring. But if you sit there planning planning planning...time may run out err your life..and you might never attain that goal you worked sooooo hard for..

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Back into the world of blogging..

Yes..I'm back...though I do not know how long I will stay or if I have any great ideas to write about.

I just received an e-mail from a good friend of mine. Funny how little things can mean quite a bit. Nice to know theres' others out there..wowee!! Thanks I appreciate it good ol friend..

Will be back with an original post sometime soon...