My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


And I don't mean food. Have you ever craved or wished you had something, yet wondered if you'd ever attain it? Have you wondered if your fight to get it or attain it would burn the shit out of you in the end? Yet at the end you'd be happy? Have you ever had those scary thoughts of it never working out and that your hard work would go to waste?

Have you looked at others with it, and wished you were in their position? And then wondered how much they probably worked at it, or didn't for the matter to attain it? Yah....that's me

Friday, July 14, 2006

Exactly how I feel. Not sure how to describe it. Feel like I've been running around all day. Not too tired to sleep :( What to do..?


Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I wanna blog today, but won't about something. Donno how to write it down, and not sure even if I relates to yesterday's post a bit. Bugging me still..grrr

I'm sick of know it alls. How many times must I say it?? I really should just tell these peeps to screw off..yet I just let them make a fool of themselves.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Few always

Hopefully if I get these things off my chest, I'll feel great :D

1. Why is that I can't stand people who just wanna show they know it, do it, have it better than I do? Like I say shit, and all they wanna say is, been there, done that, did it better than you..and hah. What type of gratification does that give you?? Competitive people piss me off..

2. My sixth sense bugs the hell out of me. I know of things before they happen, I can sense them. If I tell someone they never are true, yet if I hold them in, they come out to be true. yah..nuff said... *hate* that feeling

3. There really isn't much I can think of blogging anymore. I'm thoughtless and dry now...I feel like I keep repeating myself.

4. Pet peeve: People who get influenced by others. Doesn't matter your age...I see it happen all too often.

5. Humble, honest and straight forward people are #1 on my list of favorite peeeps :)Deviate from that....and well we'll see.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

No Praise needed..

I suppose it applies mostly to work or to myself when I'm striving for something. I've hated, yes literally hated being told that I'm doing a great job. For some reason whenever I hear that..I actually mess up or stop working. I have always worked or been ambitious, determined whatever cause it's the struggle in me who wants to do all that. The minute someone comes up to me and says "awesome anostica, keep it up"...I'm annoyed. I'd rather not even be acknowledged about it..lemme be..lemme do it..

Maybe it's cause I sit around waiting for the comment and then think viola..time to relaaax baby. However I don't think it's the case. I just hate praise..when it comes to work..Hate being acknowledged. I do it for myself Yo :D

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Luck? I'm not so sure...

So on two occasions..I've found money lying around in the hallways of my apt. The first time it was a 10 dollar bill. Today I found two 1 dollar bills. I can't seem to keep money I find...I've always been the type that works hard for the money I have, and I get great pleasure out of buying things with my own money which I worked hard to get. Finding another story. People might call it luck...I can't seem to find a reason to use it. The last time I found the 10 dollar bill, I ended up giving it away to a friend. Now I'm sitting here with the two 1 dollar bills...what to do..

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Not so sure of this one..

So..I heard it the other day again. Some dude saying on t.v. that legalizing gay marriages should not happen as it threatens everyone. I seriously don't understand how????

As much as heterosexuals feel like they are experiencing true love...hell that's the same for homosexuals. If straight people can marry, so should gay people have that right too. Yah yah people say it's not get no babies. BUT there's plenty of babies out there that need a home! And just because you are different doesn't mean it's wrong! Hell even if one thinks it's's your OWN personal opinion...NO Government rule or law should tell you that..hell with laws...screw government.

Just like in a plant population, or animal population, or whatever population, you get a ton that look the same and act the same, and you get a few that are different. So what is wrong with the different? Do people honestly sit there and think hell my corn on the cob has one black corn thingy on it..and I won't eat it? HELL noo!! So why the hell should it matter if someone is gay of deviates a bit from the norm?? Why should it bug you! What's wrong with people being happy and living their life they way THEY want to???????

gimme a break..