My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Yah I've slowed down..

Most of you viewers..those of you who are left have probably realized my lack of blogdum..haha what a new word. Yah yah yah..I've slowed down, but you know it's just not fun anymore. When all the world sits there wanting their voice heard, I don't care! I started this blog with no was only in 2004 that I added the comment menu on here...I wrote on here to get shit off my chest...and I still do. I'm so sick of blogger...too many bloggers out there...blah I'm done. Everyone loves to dance quietly...and never be heard or seen...or is that just a cliche now??

Sunday, October 01, 2006

another annoyance..

So I figured I should's been a while. Figured I'd write about yet another's not like I don't have enough already!

So..the current annoyance, or one that hit me now and I figured I should blog it. Yah it deals with peeps who cannot forget the past and literally live off of it and love to broadcast it. All they do is talk about it, talk about it, and talk about it. And bitch about it. If it's not some frikkin trophy in your life, then hell...ever try the idea of FORGETTING IT??? What good does it do to talk about it?? Don't waste my time..I don't need to hear it.

My rule in life..remember the good times of life..forget the pain. We've all felt it, and naturally our body loves to forget. But if you remember and wanna broadcast it over to everyone...let me know in advance, as I won't buy tickets for your boring "I'm all that" session.