My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I think I found the lab for me...

Okay okay I guess I'll say it here..but yet I change my mind almost every two weeks! I've been doing lab rotations since August and soon by the end of this month or mid april I need to sit down and decide which lab I'd like to basically join..and then devote the next 6+ years of my life to. It's a HARD decision..yet my rotations have made some of it a bit easier..yet yet yet...I make a decision every week and then back down from I'm feeling lucky and thinking YES I know what lab I want to join (from the 4 lab rotations I've done)..but let me see how I feel 2 weeks from today.

Uggh..that really wasn't the reason I was writing this post...It's about my current lab rotation! It's through a professors lab (well duh, who else could it be through??)...this guy is new. He just got here this August. And he's very ambitious, and very annoying. I got to lab around 1:45 today..and he put me to work...originally working on my project. So I figured out how long it'd take me to do this or I worked fast. I was done by about then he realizes he's not feeling well (he looked soo sick!), so he gave me all his work to do! Yah his work entailed isolating DNA out of about 20 samples! The boogers took me forever!!! It wasn't the isolating part..but the part of constantly opening and closing small dinky tubes and then every now and then getting a new fresh batch of tubes to transfer the DNA all in all..I got done at 7:10...That was the time I got done last week on monday too!! I can UNDERSTAND that if I was in his lab doing my PhD I would not mind spending the 5+ hours working...but if I'm ONLY rotating through his lab..he should be nice to me, and only make me work on my project. If he thinks he's gonna get me into his lab..he's not..all he's doing is scaring me away..and making me hate him...

I guess one thing is for sure...he may be off my list for potentials whose lab I want to join..yet his research is still a bit interesting...uggh, will I ever stop second guessing myself!

icck..almost 3 a.m...time to sleep.


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