My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

ABC all over again!

I never knew about how much I didn't know till I started graduate school. I had figured that there was a ton to still know, but that I had some background on it all..but yikes! I feel like there is so much to learn..and I'm sitting at only the ABC's of biology. It seems that the last 6 years of college for my undergrad and masters only got me to learn the basic alphabets of biology..err microbiology. I find myself being bombarded with so much..and so much little time to read all and understand!

I often sit there and wonder how all those post-docs in all the labs I rotate through know so much! I mean..they can answer questions about anything..I wonder if I'll ever get there. I am willing to get there and will work my hardest to get there..but for some reason I just keep thinking they are such geniuses..and if I can ever be one like them. They are like the Gods of microbiology..if I do a no no on my they are telling me to try this or try that to cover my mistake and get whatever it was back....they tell me to follow plan C because I tried B but screwed up on it. I wonder if I'll ever think like that and be able to do that..

I'll keep my hopes up..and if this blogs exists 6 years down the road..we'll see where I'm sitting at knowledge wise..


At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe you will achieve that knowledge someday, with your hard work and dedication, nothings impossible!

From your neglected friend (just kidding :P)

At 12:50 AM, Blogger Anostica said...

My neglected friend? Which one? hahaha. No you got me wonderin now ;)


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