My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Just a Thought..

Why is that when I'm stressed out, I come up with all these diff ideas to post. I wonder if it's a way for me to get my mind off of the shit I have to do...hmmm.

Anyways, working on presentation for a class. And was reading some news stuff online (yah I know totally weird; me and news..don't mix :P). Anyways something about AIDS crisis in India now. It was and is pretty bad in some parts of Africa too. Got me totally thinking. There's diseases out there like Cancer..illnesses from AIDS. And they are pretty bad in big countries..but that doesn't mean they don't exist elsewhere. But it got me thinking. What if this is a way to control the human population? If a country gets huge with too many people there's gotta be a way to get rid of this might be the way. SAme goes for cancer. What if these diseases were put out there so a cure is totally hard to find, so that in a way they can control the human population, so we don't over populate some area? WHo knows..

I think it's sorta like hunting for deer. At least in Minnesota, there's a limit to how many you can deers you can kill per year, but it is allowed...and most hunters love to do it, cuz they love the meat, but if asked why why why...they say, gotta control the population of the deer because otherwise they'd die on the road from cars, or they'd go hungry..

So..back to my thought..what if AIDS is a way to preserve the human race? So that we don't overpopulate and not have enough to eat? And the AIDS immune people out there..maybe that's a different breed of people surpassing the oldy people...Grr, I wanna write more..gotta meet with lab member...OFF!


At 10:51 AM, Blogger mELLISsa said...

i dont really think that AIDS is a way to control the population. AIDS is something that is just further crippling nations that are already struggling for food. and im pretty sure even if we dont cure aids or cancer we are gonna over populate the world. Isnt it ironic that the over populated areas of the world are those where aids is a crisis?

just my thoughts and ramblings

At 11:53 AM, Blogger Anostica said...

Good point..but the main reason AIDS and cancer are so prevalent there is because of the overpopulation (at least for AIDS, and genetically based Cancer).

I wouldn't leave the possibility out that the diseases show up and become so huge in overly populate areas.


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