My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Be on time!!!

So....I had to wake up EARLY on a sunday. Yah VERY early...for those of you who know me, you know that I sleep in till 1ish on the weekends. So...I woke up at 9:10, and was out of my place by 10:00 because I had to meet with a lab member to check on stuff. This lab member calls me at 10:03 and is like, hey why dont' you start your stuff becauase I just woke up, but will be on my way.

So..I went to school, did the stuff I had to do. Had to incubate stuff for an hour..did that. Then decided to check results at 11:55, but figured I'd call that lab dude. Called him up, and he's like..oh I'm coming, I'm just leaving my apt now. WHAT!!!! Pullleassaseeeee

What a way to start my damn day. It's sunday, and as a lover of sleep..I had to miss out on sleeping. If this person didn't wanna meet early he coulda said so..I was completely up for it! I'm just dissapointed with people who tell me one thing and do another...

Soooo glad that my parents taught me the art of being on time. I can't stand late's okay to be late yourself if the plans are for yourself..but if you are imposing on someone, then dammit be there..I'd never make someone wait for me...that's retarded..


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