My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Monday, February 16, 2004

A smack in the face...and I'm still waiting!!!!!!
Mm..first for the waiting! Yes, I'm STILL waiting for my coat that I ordered from Victoria's secret. It has been a month now...and I'm so excited about the dang coat, that I cannot imagine cancelling the stupid order. Also I was told it has been shipped a WEEK ago, so now it's somewhere in the US traveling to my house. I think that once I get it, I will realize that it does not fit me, as I am thinking it doesnt..and if that is the case, I plan on sendin the dumb coat back..and complaining about the stupid shipment policy to vic. secrets!

What else am I waiting for? Oh yes...I hate asking to see if I got mail everday! I hate it hate it hate it..seems to me that, that is the first thing I do when I get home. I ask with a bit of reservation...not really wanting to know what I got. As I am still waiting for two other graduate schools to contact me..Sorta looking forward to seeing if they took me in or not, but a bit reserved about asking as what if they did not take me in?? What if it's a rejection letter??

K..and the smack in the face. So I wrote some of my lit. review for my thesis. My advisor looked it up, and told me stuff about how it's crazy, and all over the place..and how she was bombarded with info in the paper. ACCK..then she says, I donno if its even good enough for the REVIEW yet!!! ohhhhh GREAT...considering that I basically used reviews to write this thing and now she tells me it's not good enough..when it could just as well be a reviews' copY?!!? Huh..I guess I'm frustrated...I'm still writing right now...wondering why as what if whatever I'm writing is totally off track..yah it's probably a waste of time....ayeeeeeeeeeeeee


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