My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Be the 1% in the world...
My thoughts on a doctoral program. Hmmm..I've had to think of this, and quite honestly I'm too excited to go to school and get my doctorate. The one aspect I'm looking forward to is learning a whole lot more, and also doing research on some totally awesome pathogenic bacteria or possibly even a virus. But but but..I was talking to another graduate student the other day and he brought up something which I can't stop thinking about. This grad student said that why should I be so looking forward to a phd program, when what I'll do and research in will be something only 1% of the population will know about or care about.. He got me wondering. But heck I guess it doesnt' matter who knows what, but it matters more that I''m going into something I like. Lastly, whatever I do will be applied to other areas so it might turn out be a 100% efficient and applicable!!!!


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