My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Ramblings part 2

Another rambling session. If this is about my thoughts..I'll write my thoughts throughout the day. Starting it, and it's about 10:30.

1. It's Friday!!!
2. Someimes I wish I had straight hair..silky smooth nice straight hair. Wonder if it'd fit my personality though..
3. So much to do in lab today. Just got done with class...not really looking forward to walking outside in cold weather to other building to work..
4. Ran into culprit girl in b-room, who pees all over toilet seats..icck
5. Not looking forward to giving daily morning couseling session
6. Tailbone hurts ass..yah literally..
7. Saw documentary yesterday on postpartum (sp) depression. Talking of women who start hearing deamons..makes me wonder, what if there is another world out there with deamons..but only a few can go far to get in touch with them..or see them. And how do we know that, that world is messed up? What if it's us? We believe what's right or wrong because that's what society taught us.
8. Bought condolescence card for woman in lab whose father died...they put me in charge. I'm the card girl now.
9. People in lab love to offer me their stuff to use..I hate declining..I just wanna do it MYSELF. You only learn if you make everything from scrath on your own.
10. I've been rereading stuff to be written in the card for lab member..everyone is having me check it for them...
11. I sit next to the door by my office...everyone has their own way of walking..some drag their feet, some actually pick it up. Some walk fast, some slow, some run. Yah..I'm bored.
12. I need to be reassured all the time...of everything.
13. I have realized that there are quite a few "anony's--a.k.a anonymous" people out there that read this bloggie. Spoke to one..yah let your voice be heard
14. Can't stand copiers...don't copy yourself pullleasse
15. Counseling session happened again
16. Cells aren't ready...cant' run exp till later today :(
17. Some girls need to realize that a comment can mean a lot....depending on whom it comes from. But if some sleazy dork is telling you you're gorgeous..get a life and hear it in one ear, and blow it out the other..don't think he means it. I never know how to tell these girls..
18. I wish there was a computer that could read my results and punch it into excel and pump out graphs for me..I don't wanna make it all myself.
19. Not a talkative day at all...Been walking around to lab quietly. But people must say hi and wanna talk when I'm not in the mood..
20. I eat a lot for 1 week during the month. Literally eat boy-size meals and then feel full. The rest of the month I eat like I normally do...
21. I at least have 3 members confirmed for my committee..1 still to go..
22. Fridays to me are a day to wind down and relax..not a day to go out. I hate people bugging me every friday wanting to hang out!!! (some fridays are better spent out..though not many)
23. Checked cells...still not ready..must wait till tomorrow :(
24. I actually enjoy spending a whole day to myself in my own apt...believe it or not.
25. I paid a late payment on a credit card bill the other day..which I should have never been charged. I never have late payments and I sent in the bill in time..but the stupid dude on the phone didn't get I gave up. 39 bucks down the drain :( oh well..
26. I love cheesecake.......tooo much :)
27. I try to live with no regrets..but having them sucks if I don't do something...
28. So sleepy in lab today...could doze off any minute now :( I slept quite a bit last night
29. I need to workout
30. iPod's are becoming too generic. Everyone has them...
31. Can't figure out what classes to take..maybe a stats course. Third stats course in 3 years!! diluted/watered-down math sucks..
32. I realize things when it's too late..and I can only face things on my own. I hate to talk them over...
33. I know what I want...attaining it is always a different story
34. turning me self in for the day...5:30 p.m....must write weekly progress report..then I am out.


At 5:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

4. nasty. 11. don't have much to do? :) 22. I like relaxing on Fridays as well. 25. Next time that happens hang up without paying, call them back again you will more than likely speak with someone else. :)

At 10:51 AM, Blogger Ali said...

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