My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

I'm must be unlucky

Why is that I can't ever get what I want? Yah...I must have bad luck. I worked my butt off in lab yesterday setting up so much stuff. There was no one in the lab except me..and man did I work hard! I got so much done when it comes to setting up media containing mammalian cells (which are used to infect viruses--since my research is on viruses now). Anyways, I go in today..and it was all bullshit. Yah, I somehow had gotten a contamination. All those years of my microbiology training of my past worked up till yesterday. So yah, I musta somehow, somewhere from the air introduced in a contaminant. All the shit I set up was cloudy and filled with bacterial growth--didn't take me long to realize those boogers were in there!!! damn them booogers

I kinda got a kick out of it..though I was very dissapointed. Called my mom and told her how bummed I was and how my research will now be lagged by 3 days...which isn't really that good considering my advisor has been on my case lately. The kick I got out of this mishap was that my masters was in microbiology, specifically bacteriology--studying bacteria. hahah and 2 years ago, I'd be bummed calling mom telling her I didn't get bacterial growth and bummy my experiments were lagged. Now it's the bacteria I DONT want...I'm still working in microbiology, just looking at viruses for my current degree. Only this time, the bacteria boogers take over...and do not allow me to grow the virus :( grrrrrrrrr what wonders of biology...

I'm done complaining..


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