My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Be Yourself..

Yah be yourself. Is that too much to ask? You'd think that by the age of at least 22; okay I'll be realistic, at least by the age of 25 (for some immature people), most people would not be afraid to be themselves. Rigght?? Noo...

I don't know how for how many years I've posted about this same topic. Must have been back when I was 19 even. It still annoys me to this day. I can't stand people who'd rather toot with someone elses horn (hahah, no nasty joke here--shah Jahan!!), rather than have the guts to toot their own. Ok..I'll put it another way, for the simpler minded folks (myself included)..Also because I don't write the best of analogies. Anyways, err basically, one should follow or do what they LIKE, and be able to stand up for it...please please please don't conform to the "crowd." I'm all about unique...not about generic. Besides forget true to yourself, and be who you are..rather than what people want you to be. That goes for music tastes, clothes, opinions...

Yah I could name so many examples here..for so many different ages of people I know..but I WONT go point. Just that this sort of stuff still makes me look twice and wonder...hmmmmm...If anything I hope these people grow up to raise kids with independent minds..though I doubt that one too :(


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