My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

My Favorite Candies..

So..I was talking to a friend online..a professional photographer actually. And somehow the topic of candy came up, and I figured I"d write about my favorite candies.

I am generally into fruity candies, and sometimes I'll go for chocolate. I have to admit chocolate is filling a bit more than fruity, but it depends on the day and my urges..and in general they lead towards fruity. Although I've quit eating candies almost completely now.

Anyways, here's the list of the no order, and I'm sure I"ll add more to it soon again and again and again..

1. Gobstoppers
2. Strawburst
3. Sour Patch Kids
4. Jolly Ranchers (Watermelon specifically)
5. Runts
6. Laffy Taffy
7. Skittles
8. Nerds

when it comes to chocolate..I'm all about Hershey Kisses. I also like the chocolate plus white chocolate thingies..Hugs I think they are called--not sure. Man now I'm craving it!!! I used to be able to stand Butterfinger but now hate it because I ate it too much. I do like Twix and Kit Kat though..


At 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmm jolly ranchers are awesome :) runts, laffy taffy, and nerds is what I grew up on :-D


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