My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The worst experience..

I didn't know if I should cry or what..but I certainly wasn't going to laugh today of what I saw. All I could do was hold my breath and clench my teeth and watch.

I had to go to a seminar specifically for people in my research area. The seminar is also conducted in conjuntion with a class. This class consists of people in my area, who are going to be finishing their PhD this year or very very soon. My advisor expects most of his grad students to attend. And his colleague is responsible for the class and grades the presentation from PhD students who will be graduating. There are also a lot of invited speakers for the talk.

Today before the seminar, the colleague talks about what he expects out of the seminars being given and the presentations from the graduating phd students. I figured great, he has great ideas and I hope people do listen to him. He then proceeded to introduce someone from his lab. The guy gave the talk..but it was soo short. I mean it was like 22 mins or 25 mins, when the seminar should be about 50 mins. The teachers/colleague of the class got up, and he's like, WELL since this person did not use the whole time..we will hold questions for him for later..and I will discuss exactly what he did wrong. This man/colleague went through each slide one by one..literally and talked of what was wrong with each slide--pointing all over the frikkin place.

I was soo dissappointed to see it. I saw so many people laugh..I mean the room was loaded with about 55 people..lots of them were laughing. What the hell? A guy was being humiliated! I just was dazed..and the colleague kept going on and on..I tried to talk myself into it figuring that, that's what advisors make you better. What the colleague brought up were great points..but I do not believe it was the time or place to do all!

The thing which disappointed me the most was that I thought the guy presenting was a grad student like the rest of us..but he was actually a post-doc...and it made me more mad that this colleague could treat someone like that..oh hell it figures...just left a huge lasting impression on me....Been talking about it since it happened today :(


At 12:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow thats crazy, must have been rough for that guy.

At 1:33 AM, Blogger Susan said...

That really sucks that they would treat him that way! No one should be humiliated like that! I'm not sure I would take that even if the person doing it was a close friend. Especially in front of that many people!


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