My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Smells...bad and gooooood

Okay I'm a smelly stuff nazi. I love buying perfume, smelly lotions, smelly handwashes, body washes, you name it...I've got about 5 of them, or at least a 6 month supply of them. I'm more into soft flowery smells than am I into fruity smells. And as dorky as it sounds I like smells which smell like Tea, or cigarette smoke..yah I'm crazy, get used to it (prime examples--Happy by Clinique, or LaCoste). Anyways, totally not the point of this post; thoughs smells are gooooooooooooooooooooood.

Point of post; how smells are bad and yes good as well. That's when you attribute smells to memories. It's hard when you smell something and all the memories come back. I remember learning in my psychology class that if you studied with some perfume on, you'd be more likely to remember stuff on the exam if you wore the same perfume. So ya...the other day I was over at a friend's distinct smell in the house...was overwhelming. Brought back quite a few memories....good but yet at the same time bad. I wasn't expecting to smell and remember and just the smell made me want to avoid the room, and walk away..which I ended up doing after 2 hours of being there. Like I said the smell was overwhelming and was getting to me.

So moral of story. There isn't one. BUT...yes smells are GREAT. I'm crazy about smelly stuff..and no it's not a fart or something (I know my bro will comment and say it, so I'll post it now). But smells are great, but you get memories from them..and it's awesome to remember good ones..but bad to remember the bad ones. Okay I'm done..


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