My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Monday, March 14, 2005

Grocery Stores: Buy food or religion?

So...I did something today which I haven't done in years....yep you guessed it, I watched the news! Well I do read the news online, so please don't think I'm that disconnected with the world!

Anyways...What I was writing about. Today I heard on the news about something from Manchester, England. They say that they've got priests or pastors in grocery stores now..preaching! Yes, they walk around while people shop, preaching and giving pamplets out trying to spread the word of christianity. They are also trying to get iman's of Islam to do it as well! How stupid and crazy is that? To think that the one place you'd go, just to buy food would become a place of worship or a place to learn about religion. Come on..

Honestly, when I go to the groceries, I go to relax, maybe to find something I like...I rarely even talk on the phone while shopping. But to have someone walk up to me and say, hey wanna know a bit about Christianity...err, he/she won't get the right answer outta me. I'd be more disgusted than anything else. But that's not the point!!!! The point is that such places should not become a place to threaten people with ones' thoughts or beliefs! Why should people purposely walk up to others and impose religion?? I think religion is something we all choose..and if you are choosing something, you go out and seek it. Why must people at grocery stores impose it on someone? And why should it be a grocery store for crying out loud? HOnestly it's a bit worse than the Jehovah's Witnesses at my doorstep!

I am not against religion at all. I just think we all should have reason to choose what we want, and when we want it. Choosing to go the grocery store to buy food is one thing...but I don't that the decision for food shopping includes choosing religion. If people must inform others of religion, put a booth maybe at the public library. Have people walk up to the booth if they choose to seek enlightenment..don't force them into it--especially when they are merely out getting some much needed chore done!


At 1:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah I saw that on CBS too. I thought it was some crazy stuff. I'm not sure how I would react if that happened to me. I bet its much harder to avoid those people in the store isles vs. on campus were you can look beyond them with no eye contact :)


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