My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Must we control our lives???
I guess I find it odd, well I shouldn't say odd as I've done it before too. But I sit and notice things around me, mostly of what people do and what they tell me. I mean each and every person I know, wants to do something to influence something so that its' in their favor. But I wonder, would that do any good. The one person who holds the answer to everything is Allah. Why should we be the ones trying to influence things in our lives, when what will happen, will be the word of Allah. If things should happen, they will happen. If things shouldn't happen, they won't and we may think we have control over them, but we don't.

We are all a part of this huge playground in which God is the creator watching his creatures get at it. God watches to see what we're up to. If we screw up, he knows. If we do good things he knows. I am sure God laughs sitting there thinking, hahaha, you think you influence some instance and make it your way when I know it's gonna be my (God's) way no matter what!

I guess it's stupid. Why waste so much time on thinking up stuff and trying to influence or push things. We cannot control anything. I figure we should just live life and live it fully.


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