My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Monday, June 14, 2004

Why do I get sleepy from it all?? Great talk..
This weekend my family had some people over, and I just sat there and listened to people talk! I mean I liked what they said but I literally had nothing to comment on. And for some ODD reason, I was as tired as ever just listening. I mean I enjoyed talking to them (err listening), but why must I get sleepy from stuff like this?? It happens ALL the time!!!! I feel the same when I meet up with my friends...I get soo tired that I come home and sleep for a looong time, and my sleepyness does not end even that day..I have to sleep even more the next day to sleep off my sleepyness. Why why why? I've always had this problem! Ayee...I remember I spoke to my friend Sandy last year and she said she felt the same. She thinks we were both a bit introverted though we act extroverted. Maybe I try so hard to act "extroverted" that I get tired from it..what an idea? hmm...


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