My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Thursday, June 03, 2004

I could never be a businesswoman!!
I know an Ebay Junkie..and this person sells stuff on there all the time! I mean this person makes everything look good, even though it may have some scrathes here and there. And this person sells everything at exactly the cost they bought it at! I find it even hard to LIE to someone and to sell something to them, let alone lie about it! Geez...those businessmen and woman..they must have no morals! Car salesmen included!Acck..I remember when my friend took a computer class and then I took it a semester later. She told me I could buy her books from her and save on cash. I remember seeing that her books were new and at the bookstore the books were being sold for 120 dollars. She was offering to sell them to me for 40 dollars. I couldn't believe her, and I remember writing her a check for 85 dollars. She was in disbelief and didn't believe why I had paid her much. As far as I know, there is a lot less hassle, if the material is bought at the price it should be at. If however, I had bought the books for so much cheaper ($40), I can imagine my friend would have always wondered...gee, I wish I could have made more.....


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