My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Not a Fruit Eater..

Just noticing my roommate and how much she loves fruits! Then there's me, who will buy fruit and then never eat them..and watch them rot in the apartment. Roommate and I were discussing our favorite fruits...I only had two-those being Mangos and Watermelons. The most disgusting fruits for me, are apples, and cherries..

I donno why I don't eat fruits..they don't really make me want to eat them. Suppose it's because you never know which one will be sweet or bitter...and I hate risking it. Also, I hate peeling fruits, and preparing them to eat...too much work! :P


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