My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Spoke too soon!!

I'm tiiirreeed! Well I was on my flight back to Indy today. I guess in my previous post I had said I get stuck sitting next to 'big ol fat guys'..yep spoke too soon! Had to sit with the fattest of them all today! This dude basically pushed me against the window cause of him! And then...he couldn't even put the table down during the flight...the little table was rocking on his belly..

I didn't wanna talk to him on the plane...but gee these people really don't bring much to do..and would rather spend time chatting away on the flight! So..this guy starts you go to school? And why would you wanna leave cold minnesota for 60 degree weather? well I like the I told him! N e ways...the big guy wasn't bad..he did some mechanical car engine sorta work..told me that my car is the best out it never needs work to fix! My car btw is a Honda Civic. I asked him why people still opt to buy the Chevies and the Fords when they know Civics would last longer..and he said "Well it's all about the Ego!!"..he said he even has a GM and knows better that it'll soon quit working..but it's just about having a GM which is cool...he said his son when he got a Civic, the family thought of disowning him? over a car?? geee..dumb...

Oh..and another thing I noticed. At the airport and waiting once off the plane..guy in front gets a call on cell phone..he says "hello" answer I guess...he says "Hello" answer (I suppose)...then he's like "HELLO"...!!! ookay..okay what a dumb saying Hello louder gonna make the person on the other end talk??

err I'm too tired to write....later


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