My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Friday, April 29, 2005

Must be a good thing..

Just been a weirdo lately. I found out that my teacher still doesn't like my grant after my second attempt of writing it. I have no clue what to do. Spoke to my family, and my sister thinks I should just finish what I wrote and turn it in. I think that's what I'll do. I'm ready to get the grade for it..icck, it can't be that bad! The only problem with my grant this time was that my teacher said he couldnt' see it be funded..well funded my butt. I could care less about funding..what matters to me now is that I just get the stupid thing done! As long as I can get a 12/25 on the grant, I'm good to go!! Still gonna work on it a lot though! I mean it's my first time writing it...he could be a bit easy on me to say the least!!!!

Cause of all this stress..and because of my qualifier coming up.I've lost most if not all of my apetite! I went around yesterday for 11 hours w/o food..and when I came home, I had no desire to eat!!! I have lost weight..I can feel it! Today I put on a sweater and skirt which I've had since I was 19/20..which was about 5 years ago..haha, and oddly enough it still fits me like it did 5 years ago! So I guess it agrees with the post's a good thing, err or a bad thing...mmmmm...I'm sure my body will realize's thinking yep yep Anostica keep starving yourself..I'll show you!!! hahaha, I'm gonna conserve any shit you eat I can save it all into fat!! Go ahead...Yah I'm talking to myself..or am I? ;)

Lastly..I joined the lab of my choice. Was googling myself the other day...and am already listed on the professor's website as a lab member! The lab is daaamn huge! It feels good to have a home now...this whole year I was home-less, going from one lab to the next doing I've got a home..and a group of people who I'll see and work with for a looong time!

Okay back to work!! Wish me luck y'all


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