My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Thursday, August 08, 2002

Real Vs. Fake Sun Jan 14 20:14:11 2001
With society these can't ever know if what you see is really what is the truth or what's really there. People can become fake or look very different with make-up, others can get plastic surgery, some can even make sure that their children are going to look pretty or whatever even before they are born. Also, some can even choose the sex of their child before the child is born. The question for me about these matters is whether this is right or wrong..Some out there think it's right, because it holds the key to staying young, or it holds the key to getting what you want, but then again, it's also a form of playing with nature..playing with the real "truth"--the real you, or the real thing.
I know that scientists out there have figured out anti-aging drugs, and others have found the perfect way to do plastic surgery w/o leaving any traces of it being done behind. But then again, I never can understand why that can appeal to anyone. I mean, does it really make sense to see a woman or a man look 20 when you are 2 years old and still have that man look 20 when you are 57 years old? Though that 20 year old might be thinking, "ohh, I'm having so much fun looking 20" you may be getting sick of it! (or maybe not..and I only believe that to be true?)
I guess the bottom line here is this..In our society being young is considered the "In thing" have to look 20 or anything less than 30 something to be considered "cool", good-looking whatever (I don't know the words!)..But because of this society held view, we have so many people depressed with their image, and some because of it, go out and seek surgery or some other type of medicine to keep them looking young. It only disrupts nature and gives us something totally out of this world to look at. From my personal perspective, I'd much rather have my grandma looking like she is old, with her wrinkles and her slightly obstructed posture--but I like the person she is, she's wise..and she's a great woman. And I'm glad that as I have aged this past few years with her, she's aged with me. If I was the only one aging while she still looked 50 or something when I was born, then it would only make me second guess what's going on, and it just wouldn't seem right. It's like feeding an athelete steroids to get him/her to perform better than normal--which really isn't the true or the real thing! Nature, the true you should be cherished and loved, and things that make you become more unnatural should just be kept for sci-fi movies.
Another issue these days, which is quite new I've heard about is the fact that these days, parents can choose the sex of their child. While for some people who may want a boy or girl and have never had one after repeatedly trying, it may seem like a good thing to do..I feel that it's also another way of playing with nature. I believe that we should let nature take its course. I know that some people out there who may be reading this may think that I'm against any type of breakthrough to help people have children..but quite the contrary, I believe the opposite. I have to point out that, the only time I believe that science should fiddle with nature is when a couple cannot have a child and scientific methods are required for fertilization. Or else...I believe that, if a couple has had 5 daughters and then suddenly they want a son and they run to the doctor so that they can scientifically guarantee the parents a son, I believe that to be wrong.
Also, though I may seem to be very strictly against plastic surgery because I deem it to be "fake", I must point out that I only consider this type of surgery or medicine bad under one condition. That condition being when the person getting the surgery only gets it done because he/she is fed up with how they look like after repeatedly watching or listening to the media (which may have caused them to get a bad self image)...if the person who has been exposed to a lot of media (well it's hard to avoid I guess!), and then realizes that they don't like themselves because they compare themselves to some twig, or Britney Spears on t.v., then no!, the person should NOT get surgery! Because here the person is only getting surgery to look like others and they "think" that they may gain "acceptance" which to me is the WRong way of getting "acceptance". BUT, if someone out there just doesn't like the way they look because they think wrinkles on their face look funny, and they only want surgery because they want it, and not because that's what our society believes to be good..then I believe that the person should be able to get surgery. Though, I highly doubt that someone would consider wrinkles to be bad if they hadn't been exposed to the media!
Lastly..some out there might argue, that sometimes surgery such as liposuction or stomach stapling is good for the patient, because sometimes overweight people cannot live anymore, because a small heart cannot support a large massive body, and other possible health reasons. Here, I DO believe that surgery is okay, but it's ONLY okay becuase it's for a health purposes--to save a should never be done for a cosmetic reason.
Overall..I believe in truth...the true person, the real you. I do not like "fake" people, or make-up filled, crusty people, or people with augmented whichever bodypart. If only in this world people could understand that the real person is always better than what the fake person may ever be!


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