My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Thursday, August 08, 2002

Abortion Hypocracy! Thu Aug 17 20:43:58 2000
In this message, I will post my views on abortion as once I did before and ended up losing the message due to my message board being deleted.
Before I go on to talk about my views on abortion, I'll explain what the topic of this posting "Aborting Hypocracy" means. Well I called this posting that title due to the reason being that some (not all!) pro-life people are in one stance "for life" but yet at other times they are "for death." Allow me to explain myself. Well most pro-lifers say that you cannot equate life to anything, it's a gift granted to us and we cannot play God, but on the otherhand these pro-lifers go out and bomb abortion clinics and KILL abortion doctors! Now how can life be so important in one situation, but not mean anything in another? These pro-lifers, (the ones that bomb clinics and kill abortion doctors) are hypocrites to me, solely on the fact that they don't stick to one thing! Their views contradict!
Now onto another thing about abortion. When discussing this touchy issue, I meet pro-lifers and pro-choice people and while they have good reason to be whatever they choose--I feel there is a problem discussing the matter. The problem is that both sides do NOT talk at the same level and I don't mean intellectual level. I mean it as this, pro-lifers are for life, for the gift of life granted to us by God; Pro-choice people are for the right to choose. But more so, pro-choice people think that a government cannot make our choice for us, and that only a woman should be able to make her own decision concerning her body. Now while one side (pro-life) talks about the fundamental fact of life, the other side (pro-choice) talks about the laws of the government. In order to debate on something both sides must have opposing views, and though a bit of the abortion debate is on opposing views NOT all of it is!! The argument of pro-life vs. pro-choice is somewhat like the argument of Darrow vs. The Board of Education argument. This argument was based on the fact of allowing either evolution to be taught by one teacher in school (1 side) or to pass a law to never have evolution be taught in school (2 school). While one was on one specific case, the other dealt with everything as a whole. I guess I find that in order to debate an argument one has to set limits as well as levels to which the topic fits and thats the ONLY time that such a thing can be discussed. But with abortion it's an endless battle--one is for law,the other for life. If they had one "for life" the other "against life" that would make sense!!!
At times I feel that pro-choice people do believe like pro-lifers in the fact that one choice is life-but yet pro-choice people are only pro-choice due to the fact that someone cannot tell us what to do--that someone being the government.
Now onto my views about abortion. Well I'm pro-life. I , too, simply cannot think that a child could be taken out of a mother only because the child wasn't needed. I feel that life is granted for a reason, only God chooses who gets life and who doesn't-and I feel that we, in the outside world can Never play God!! Some may say that mothers cannot afford to raise the child, well God gave the child life, God will help the child--and there will always be couples out there willing to adopt the child! A life is a miracle, only granted to us, and that miracle is put on Earth for a reason, and there is going to be a way for that child to survive..again we cannot play God and know Exactly how that child will last in this world, if God put it on Earth, God has a plan!
Abortion to me is like murder, in essence we are murdering a child and getting away with it. Why is it that when a child is born and say the mother kills it after birth it's considered muder, but if the child is killed in the womb, it's okay?? To me both situations are the same, a life has been killed!
Though I do believe in life, I also believe that our government cannot tell us what to do. Now to some that may mean I'm pro-choice--but I'm not! I simply cannot think that someone could kill a child and get away with it. I'm stuck in the middle, I hate government control, yet I feel as if life is the most important thing. I guess the reason for me feeling like this, being in the middle of this argument is because of there being NO limits to this debate! It's not defined and it leaves people in the middle! Again, I'm for Life all the way, but yet I feel our government cannot make our choice for us. And though I could be pro-choice, I feel I cannot do that because I'll be agreeing on allowing children to die-hence then I'll be a hypocrite as well-which is something I'm extremely against!
Lastly, just had to say to all of you, I'm not one who would go out and bomb abortion clinics or abortion doctors. I feel that will get us no where, there will always be doctors performing abortions and as immoral as abortion doctors may be-some just do it to earn a living--though it's an extremely BAD choice of profession. Also, bombing clinics or killing doctors both are to KILL, which again, is something I'm against!!!!
Briefly--I'm pro-life, yet I feel that government cannot tell us what to do! Life cannot be equated to anything! And I am against bombing abortion clinics, or killing doctors--because both are for killing people--when I'm for LIFE!


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