My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Thursday, August 08, 2002

Elian Gonzalez..come on! Thu Apr 27 21:20:12 2000
Okay so lately in the news there have been stuff with Elian Gonzalez. Well I have one view on it and only one. And that is that I don't understand how people can actually equate relatives at the same level as a parent?? Come on..The only one that has the rights to this child was his mother or his father and that's it!
If the person who had come to get Elian in the US had been his mother (if she hadn't died, and her dad was the one who had died bringing Elian)--then NO one would question whether Elian should be with his mother or not...because that's his MoTher, and in this society they give more rights to the mother..sure she was a caretaker..but so was the father, they both are at the same level! People need to go past their typical stereotype and stop thinking that this father cannot raise a child or something..and to QUit thinking that those relatives of Elian can!! It's just plain old stupid..


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