My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Thursday, August 08, 2002

Racism... Sun Mar 19 23:58:01 2000
My views on racism are pretty basic. And after taking a few classes in biology, I wonder as to how stupid people could have been and still are, to judge others simply by the color of one's skin. It's as if we can help it, if our body produces more melanin, carotene, or hemoglobins (the stuff that color ones' skin)! If we could control the production of those three colorants, then maybe one should be racist or judge us by the color of our skin, but when you have no control over our color what so ever, why the hell do people out there sit around and judge others simply by the "darkness" of ones' skin? It's so damn stupid, and it really does piss me off!
To think that there are ignorant people out there who really believe that the inside of a "darker" person looks different than a "white" person? How stupid! If that idiot, whoever said that would have read at least one biology book or even took one biology class, he/she wouldn't be saying stuff like that!
I guess that racism isn't only based on skin color. The majority of it is based on jealousness. When one type of race realizes that another race or ethnicity is better than them, that group of people starts to hate that other race..they try to find characteristics of them to hate, wheter it be skin color, religion, looks you name it (it's like what Hitler did). And to think that people are still stuck at that childish level of thinking simply angers me! All I can say is that I wish all of you out there would sit down and simply think about what you say or do towards others before you open your mouth and say something which you wish you had never meant...
Racism is something that needs to be stopped..something that should start to decrease during this century, rather than increase....


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