My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Sick of People Complaining Over Crap...

So I got assigned a duty to do things at work. I mean it's not that bad! All I gotta do is lift shit from here and take it up 3 flights of stairs on a cart, and put it somewhere else. Easy right?? Well when it came to being assigned the duty..NO one wanted to do it!!! Why? Cuz they think it's a ton of work...gimme a break yo. Some woman comes up to me today who works with me, praising me saying that I eagerly choose to do something that no one else would volunteer for...I guess it's not that bad as I said before..I have to do it with another girl as well who was ASsigned it cuz no one else would do it..

So...yesterday we took stuff I enjoyed it. Today I get a note about how there is more stuff I should take up. I contact that other girl and tell her lets do it..and she's like OH NO we did it yesterday, can you tell the backup guy from the other work area to do it..come on!!!! I was all ready to go..and she's like, no we need to share the duty...I'm sick of people complaining over little ass shit.

so then I go to work in a room. Some people mess up the whole trash (which has to be cleaned cuz it's not allowed to overflow)..and also leave othershit overflowing. I guess I wasn't in the best of mood. I did clean it up as I always do...but was wise enough to leave a note saying that people should clean up shit after themselves...just am getting a little sick of being a mother to the rest of the babies I work with....screw them. Sometimes I just wanna flick em off..

Oh..and here I go on a tangent again...some girl I work with..yah annoying!!!!! Swear to do me wrong girl..and I'll eat you alive!! Don't mess with me..cuz I don't sit back and take it (well I do choose my battles--this one is worth it!!)...yah, anyways she got some nastyass comment outta me..though indirectly...yah I hope it burned....


At 2:48 PM, Blogger mELLISsa said...

yeah i know the feeling
im really sick of ppl lying
about shit they do
especially to your friends
if you have to lie to your friends about what you are doing
then chances are you shouldnt be doing it
ne ways thats my vent for the day

At 7:13 PM, Blogger Andi said...

I share this complaint...I am forever finding workplaces where I work with integrity & everyone else does just about nothing. The funny thing is that a lot of lazy people genuinely feel that they are hard workers.


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