My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Monday, January 17, 2005

Character Flaw...

One thing which I cannot stand about anyone is if they are selfish. Seriously, if I notice that someone is selfish, I am immediately turned off by them, to a point that I just want to get away from them. I've seen it happen all too often in roommates and friends. You're sitting there having a casual conversation with them, and suddenly they pop out some candy or something, but rather than offer they just take a bit for themselves..and put it away. This doesn't mean that I'm some pig who is mad cause I don't get any of it...Honestly that's not the point. It's the point that they don't offer. I RARELY if ever, say yes, and take something...but you know it's the thought of saying it, that counts.

I've been known to give too a point that I get walked on...hell but I was raised to be that way, and I'm not gonna change myself either...I can't ever enjoy something by myself, till everyone has a bit of it..maybe it's because of having siblings, or maybe it's because my parents raised me well (Thank God!). Whatever it is, I am sooo glad I am not a frikkin selfish person....because to me, this is probably the WORST quality in a person.


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