My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Sunday, June 12, 2005

10 Things that Piss me OFF!!

Yah I figured it was about time I posted this...

1. Know it alls--Pulleaseee. If you think you know everything, then please don't go further in education, and please don't talk to me. As my brother put it, there's a disease that some people get after their bachelors called the "know it all disease"..but ya know the funny thing is that I've seen people have the disease even after their masters! I was talking to one Phd student the other day who had the guts to tell me that she thinks her advisor is a bunch of b.s. and he's only there to provide grants so that the research can be funded. She said that let alone, she'd finish the Phd on her own. She did not need guidance; yah that's like asking an athelete to do well w/o a coach (YES coaches are important!!--friend who is athelete told me!!!). Then there's me who thinks the more I learn the less I really know!!

2. Roomates--YES!!! I had a bad one..then a good one, and then, well I'm not sure of the good one anymore. I think I can only live with people for 5 months, before I REALLY get sick of them. I'm sick of not so clean roommates, whose room reaks, who leaves clothes all over the place, won't clean her b-room (I do it!!!), won't clean the kitchen, and thinks I'm her big sis who should take care of her!!!

3. Sticky People--Sticky means people who can't walk on their OWN two feet and must follow me around or want to do everything with me. These people will ask me to have lunch with them and wonder what I'm doing for the rest of the day..if I say shopping, they want to go shopping with me..if I say go poop, I'm sure they'd wanna poop with me too. I more than usually need more time to myself than time with people.

4. Hanging out too frequently--As in going to watch movies at a theater (!!), going to a park, lake whatever. I mean going out once in a while, such as every other week is good for me. But EVERY DAY--NO!!

5. Hot and Humid weather--I think it says it all; I can't function in hot weather, which means anything above the temp of 72 degrees (that's the highest I'll go!!). Optimal is around 65-70.

6. People who go to the b-room when they talk on the phone!--Yes I've been in bathrooms before when you hear a girl peeing and her phone rings and there she goes "hello"..idiot. Same goes for pooping. I refuse to talk to anyone who is doing either while talking to me on the phone.

7. Not being able to speak up for myself (at times)--when You get some really snotty grad student telling me they are perfect and know so much and argue something completely wrong--when I know it's wrong. I have a hard time speaking up to correct them. Even when I do it, it never comes out that way..and at times I'll back down and say "maybe you're right"..but most of the time I do it because I'm too sick to tell them what's correct, because their mind is soo one-sided! I can be one-sided/stubborn sometimes :P

8. Suck-ups--I can't stand people who go out of their way to show they are friends with you. Friendship is based upon a lot of communication, and then presents here and there when the time is right. It does not mean, bring me a present every time you visit me. Don't suck up and bullshit me and say CRAP you don't mean, cause that sort of shit goes in one ear and out the other really. Same goes for b.s. talkers, don't tell someone their hair looks awesome when it looks hideous!

9. Cheap people--Yes! I can't stand people who'll drive an extra mile to get gas which is for 2 cents less. Or people who won't call so much on their cell phone because they have no minutes (when one has to make important phone calls). People who won't buy necessities because they want to save money..but for who? If you keep saving and never enjoy'll die saving money, and that money you saved will be used by someone else to live luxuriously (sp!) when you lived in poor conditions. I don't mean spend spend spend..but spend so that you are happy, and then do save; just don't be cheap :)

10. Confrontations--Is that a word? Well I hate confronting people-to tell them they did wrong. I find it easier to tell my brother and sister this, than just a stranger. Suppose it's because family can understand I'm just being dumb...but I don't have the guts to tell someone they did wrong.


Just a few more to add:
11. People who do not share--Whether it be food, candy or even a stupid pencil.

12. Bad drivers--Those that change lanes without signaling! Those that drive and talk on the cell phone...

Ohh..I'm sure there is some more stuff than this..but sorry folks this is all I can come up with now :P


At 9:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm I'm wondering what 11-20 might be :)

I know you will not like #5 this summer, Lafayette will be nice and humid ;-).

At 2:35 PM, Blogger Tony Allen said...

Pleeeeeeeeaze. I wanna poop with you. hahahahaha. that would be a sticky situation. (see #3 so as not to be taken out of context) :)

At 3:32 PM, Blogger Ali said...

When can we poop?

At 11:40 PM, Blogger Anostica said...

11 and 12 are now posted. And no...I will never share my private b-room time with someone !

At 10:06 PM, Blogger Ali said...

Are you sure? There are quite a few political elite that cannot resist sharing the john with me.


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