My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

X-Men in class!

As I sat in class today, I got the image of Wolverine from the X-men yanking out his claws. Yah I literally saw a cat fight happen in front of me..Got me thinking.

Some two undergrads, mind you the ONLY ones (yes very BRAVE!) were giving a presentation. Both from bioengineering or something. One of them put up a slide about a mathematical equation, and said since she's an engineer she likes equations (kinda got me off guard,cuz most engineers can be stuck up..I know a few!). But I figured..young undergrad good for her! I had a few questions to ask the girl about her presentation. Hers was the ONLY interesting one I've heard this week, but I rarely ever ask questions, and figured I'd missed something so what the hell..I won't mess with her. Here comes Wolverine in action though--our TA (a "former" engineer now biologist--yah I don't get it either)..decided to ask this poor young undergrad about how the constant in the equation was derived. Man I just wanted to yell out and say shit...come's like asking please tell me how you figured out the speed of light. Gimme a frikkin break! It's not about some frikkin competition here...and hell there is NO way some young lad would know how to figure out this daaamn constant!! better yet does it pertain to the whole picture we were looking at? NOOOOOOO!

There's another dork in my class. Stuck on one specific topic ONLY--I think that's ALL he knows. So he'll pinpoint it out of everyones' presentation and say..yo yo yo..this is wrong. I'm sitting there thinkin..dude gimme a break. He spoke yesterday about my presentation too..though I had warned him not to ask me I had promised to not bug him about his. I complied..someone else didn't..asshola...

Overall..I realized one is totally a huuuugeee competition!!! Everyone wants to out-compete the other person. If one hears the other knows more..they wanna shoot em down. Why can't we all just work together and share ideas? Why must some wanna be ahead of others?

I've been told before on how to do things which I already know how to do, but I don't sit there getting mad over them. I don't compete to see if I know more, or wanna show more.

I guess what ultimately should matter is that when you walk away from school years down the road, and look you realize how much you learned? Or do you think of how many people you beat in that race? I got done with class tonight..and the thought which hit me was, did I learn all I wanted to know? I didn't and don't really care about my grade that much..I'll be happy if I can get a I need that as a grade requirement..but gosh it's not about the frikkin grade...or if I'm smarter than that's about whether I walked away with something more in my head than what I had before starting the class..

yep Tangents galore.....I mind is thinking that to take a shower


At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm is that phd ego? I've seen prof's trying to get tenured being competitive like that. Oh he submitted 3 papers I'll submit 4 and so on.


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