My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Online Courses??

Is that an oxymoron in and of itself? I'm sorry and Yes call me hugely biased but I think online courses are stupid, weird...B.S...I guess one could argue that it's due to the discipline I'm in, but still.

Taking an on-line course never teaches you how classes work. People just sit around and do whatever they want in their own time, and then go online to read up on the course..I suppose there are time limits, but still people are missing the classroom environment--granted weirdo geeky computer talks can also happen these days via webcams (oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhh).

Then..I don't get how people cannot cheat on there. I mean think about are allowed to take the exam on your own time; they claim you should get a witness to watch you...yah witness my butt..How many people actually are honest on these things? I took a semi-computer course last semester, in which we had to take quizzes online. I saw so many Phd students cheat that it's not even funny! Now that could be another story as it's an ethics issue, as well as a fault to computer courses/online courses.

HOnestly, one last thing..(though I know I have a ton more to say!!), I have the hardest time thinking someone pulled off a Masters' from taking online courses from somewhere (in fact a friend did do this). If there is anything more bullshitty than that, please do tell me. Sorry, YES I'm biased, I admit it..but computer courses are not up my alley.


At 11:58 AM, Blogger Ali said...

People are basically forced to take online courses. Granted, online courses are a joke - but some universities have the honor system in which they assume you will not cheat. But universities like the university of phoenix allows students to take all their tests at certified test taking agencies - like Sylvan and more. So online courses are jokes if you take tests right at home; but with more professional ones they make you take tests elsewhere. Then online courses actually work.

Generally, I'm a critic of the entire practice. But I'm not one to denounce the practice fully - I have yet to experience it myself.

Harper always reminds us "Before you knock it, try it first; you'll see it's a blessing and it's not a curse."

Something to think about.


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