My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Sunday, June 04, 2006

I control myself..

There is nothing that controls me..but myself. Yes that's true and can you say the same? I'm not trying to toot my own horn but trying to make a if you think my head is blown up..It's least I hope not :D disgusts me, or really intrigues me to realize that I have friends who are controlled by cigarettes, well not the cigs themselves but the nicotine. I know friends who are ruled by Dr.Pepper, now maybe it's the taste, but I believe it's the caffeine (same goes for other soft drinks). I know of friends who need that cup of tea or coffee in the morning-again controlled by caffeine. Then there's people who need that beer/wine/vodka whatever to get by...

I know that of all the above, I am a user of a few..but I restrict myself. Come on who doesn't wanna drink coffee or pepsi all the time. But does anyone ever wonder if they are drinking it cuz it tastes good or is it because they are addicted...better yet their brain is addicted to it??? What good is that? I simply cannot imagine myself being addicted to a point that it takes me over. I'd rather be able to decide when and how much of something I want. I simply cannot do something thinking yes I just want to do it, because it feels good...but rather, hmm, maybe today would be a good day to try this because I'm in the mood....and yes may be tomorrow won't be a good day for it. All about moderation :)

It's funny how in this society people hate being controlled, people hate being told what to do from another person...yet at the same time these same people allow some non-human object to take them over...and they follow it or well this thing controls their brain...

Think about it :)


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