perfume.. Mon Aug 9 22:33:58 1999
I'm 19 years old and have been going to school almost my whole life..without a year off, etc. I guess it amazes me about how "school" has become a place to show off your materialistic things rather than a place to learn and study.
It is also a place to meet friends...
I guess one thing which drives me crazy is how women and men (many times females), who wear really really strong perfume! I'm sure all you know what I'm talking about, when I say that the perfume reaks soo bad that it makes the whole room stink...etc. I guess if that's the person's preference, then let it be that. But I guess it's just that, it makes me wonder if school is made as a place to show off yourself? I mean I would never want to get attention of others by wearing such strong perfume that it reaks up the place. I know that some (not all) do wear perfume/cologne only to have others turn around and see whose wearing the "stuff." That's pretty stupid, because why should one try to get anothers attention by his/her smell? Okay, it may be good to smell nice..but should that be the first thing?? I mean shouldn't one be meeting someone by how the person's personality is like...or what the person's views are like..rather than their smell or clothing?
I personally am against getting attention by clothing, or smelly perfumes..and that's why I tend to wear very light perfume..I just like to meet people by their views and their personality, rather than their smell..I guess after I get to know the person better, than it's okay to realize the person may smell good, but that shouldn't be the first thing!!
Though I do realize that naturally, smell and looks are the first thing people notice when you meet someone. But what is bad is that our society judges people solely on those things...and my view on that it shouldn't be like that. People should go beyond someone's looks, clothing, and how he/she smells, and people should look at what the person has to offer from the inside because that's what truely shows what a person is like!
Many people in society may not be able to afford great "materialistic things" but should that make them excluded from others because people are ignorant enough to not talk to them...?? I've seen it happen in some situations to many people..and after seeing it happen for soo long..there comes a time when you just get sick of it!!
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