My Thoughts and Yours...

I write about things I notice around me on my not so talkative days. If any of you out there are interested, please read and respond!

Wednesday, August 07, 2002

To be (yourself) or not to be (yourself)
Okay, so I have this craze for the color yellow…in fact it's starting to get out of hand. It seems that everything I ever chose to buy has to be yellow and if not yellow, it has to be burgundy/brown. Lately, I've been telling my friends and my family about the color of car I want to buy (when I get enough money!)…that color being Yellow. My family and some of my friends think I'm setting myself up to be a taxi driver. I find that quite absurd because there is nothing wrong with the color yellow, and to be associated with as taxi driver isn't bad either (just not my choice of profession). It's pretty stupid that society attaches things/names to colors. I mean some meanings to colors are fine in some context (say traffic lights), but to say that yellow cars can only be taxi cars is stupid. I'm not going to change my mind about buying a yellow car just because of what others may think of it as.
Now onto another case, which may be somewhat related if not totally. This case applies to other things in society say for example, the view that man cannot have/grow long hair because our society (shamely) may perceive them differently! What the heck does long hair on men have to do with anything? Will that long hair make them stupid or something? Many people in the world, think that long hair is only for girls/woman…well I beg to differ on that opinion.
There is a limit to how long hair can grow. Say for example, a woman growing out her hair, she may realize that her hair once it reaches a certain length, it stops growing. That length can depend on many things, such as nutrition or heredity, etc. I have long hair and I have realized that that once my hair reaches down to my waist it stops growing. Well if this same thing is looked at upon men, one realizes that men also can grow their hair however long (in early age, until they start losing hair, it might be harder to grow it then) too, and many men do (which is good). But the fact is that if men can grow their hair just as long as women, then when god made a man/woman, god didn't care to bother with which sex would have the long hair, and why should we have to bother with that? Why should we stick names to men with long hair and sometimes (now) women with extremely short hair?
One good thing about our society is that it is made up of people with different tastes. But when we see others practicing those tastes (such as men growing out their hair) we start judging them, because of it! Now that to me is obviously very stupid. Why is it that people in our society say…I love/like a person who is just him/her, or who is unique. Well isn't a man growing out his hair himself…or even unique? Or is that considered as something stupid or out of this world? In many ways our society practices doublethink (holding two contradictory views at the same time). This only shows how ignorant, and hippocratic our society really is.
Another thing is that many people follow the latest fashion only because our society conditions us into thinking it looks good through the media, etc. But I do know that there are many people out there who only follow fashion because everyone else is doing it, and not because he/she likes it. For example, a friend of mine, he wanted to get sandals only because everyone had them…I asked him, if he liked them, and he said that it wasn't a matter of liking them, they were just in! That's just one example of how people in our society do things only because others perceive it as good and they themselves may not see it as good/cool. They follow the trend to be accepted, rather than not follow and be criticized; shamefully, that's the truth in some instances. By talking about fashion, I do not mean that one should not follow it at all or hate it; I'm just saying that one should only follow it because he/she DOES like it.
If you like the latest fashion and then follow it, it's fine, but please don't follow it only because others like it and not you. You have control over yourself, not others! You don't ask others about when you can take a shower, you simply take it when you feel like it (to look good, feel better), so do what you want to do and be unique for yourself, while our society may sit there and consider it differently!
Many of you have probably realized my views on these things by now, and they may not fit with the same views the majority of our society may hold. But I'm not going to sit here and change my views, only to make them fit in. I guess that should make me a unique person (considering I am myself)…or um shouldn't it?

Note: I do not say that one should be going against everything even if he/she believes it to be wrong him/herself, that is not my intention. My intention is to say that one should only do what he/she feels like doing just as long as he/she is the one that likes it and not because others like it.


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